Solar Power Blog » Renewable Energy

The Economy and Renewable Energy Outlook Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Renewable, clean energy is the best option for jobs and affordability in a post-COVID economy We've were all thrown a curve ball in 2020. The renewable energy sector was no different. The sector was expected to grow 5.3% in 2020. Based on per-pandemic baselines, this could have meant a total of 3.53 million jobs in the sector. But amidst the coronavirus pandemic, it has shrunk by 13.8%, leading to a deficit of 655,000 jobs compared with pre-COVID projections. Despite pandemic woes, clean energies have generally fared better than their fossil fuel counterparts, outperforming in job creation and affordability. You can learn more about Why We Need Green Technology with this great article from our friends at GreenJournal. Renewables and natural gas...

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Solar Kits: The Best Way to Power Your Life with the Sun

In today’s world, more and more people are turning to renewable energies for both financial and environmental reasons. With today’s technology and prices, it is possible to purchase and build small off-grid renewable energy power sources for use at home or on the go.  At Solar Us Shop, we are committed to delivering the absolute best products to electricity consumers looking to go a bit greener. For this reason, we’d like to formally introduce solar kits to our collection of high-quality sun-powered products. In this article, we will dive deep into what solar kits are, how they work, and what makes them a great power solution for a growing number of people. For more tips on saving energy at your...

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Solar Pool Skimmers: What They Are, How They Work, & What Is Best

Solar pool skimmers allow you to keep your swimming pool clean while using free renewable electricity harnessed from the sun. In addition to being an environmentally friendly solution, solar pool cleaners are also incredibly convenient, as today’s top products can all be controlled with the push of a few buttons and stop you from hand skimming.  At Solar Us Shop, we love using and testing any kind of product that incorporates solar energy into the device’s functionality. And today, solar powered robotic pool cleaners are a great, new environmentally friendly product. In this quick guide, we will give a background on how solar pool skimmers work before recommending today’s top models.  What is a Solar Pool Skimmer?  A solar powered...

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Taking a Look at Public Opinion on Green Energy

What is public opinion on renewable energy? Renewable energy is not the political wedge it once was. A new poll by the Pew Research Center found 79 percent of U.S. adults favor developing alternative energy over fossil fuels. Another recent post-election survey found 81 percent of those polled want more clean renewable energy. Of those polled, 81 percent said they'd support government action accelerating the shift to renewable energy. Over half of the respondents supported strong government action, while an 83 percent majority favored private market to drive the transition. The shift in public opinion is most starkly felt by right-of-center voters, who are starting to recognize the economic incentives of renewable energy and the promise of energy independence. Renewable energy is...

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Solar Fence Lights: Easy, Renewable, and Bright

Today, solar fence lights are great If you’d like to add some illumination to your outdoor living space, but do not want to add any extra electricity costs to your home. Although they may not add as much light (or halt as many intruders) as solar powered security lights, solar fence lights are great for creating a welcoming environment powered by clean, sustainable energy.  For the past few years, solar fence lights have been steadily growing in popularity. As solar advocates, we couldn’t be more excited! For this reason, we’ve put together this article which explores the benefits of solar post lights before identifying the best solar fence lights for any outdoor living space.  What are Solar Fence Lights?  Solar...

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Should Renewables Be Considered "Green"?

Do wind and solar do more harm than good? The recent documentary “Planet of the Humans” posits a seemingly simple solution to saving the planet from the effects of climate change. Jeff Gibbs' and Michael Moore's film essentially asserts that because no source of energy is perfect, they're all bad. The film leaves viewers feeling that humanity itself is the problem, and offers very few positive solutions to existential catastrophe other than a drastic decline in human population, consumption, and economic growth. So does renewable energy cause more harm than good? Do the environmental and human costs of producing wind turbines and solar panels outweigh their lauded benefits? The necessity of zero-emissions Contrary to the assertions of Moore and Gibbs,...

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Marine Wind Generators: Wind Turbines for Boats (Guide)

Out on the open water, there are essentially three great options for generating renewable electricity: wind, hydro and solar. If you are looking for some assistance on how to continuously produce electricity on your boat, then you’ve come to the right place.  In the Solar Us Shop, we’ve named ourselves after the process of generating energy through sunlight and continue to focus on offering high quality solar products. However, we are also firm believers in wind power as well, especially when it comes to marine applications.  We are constantly asked questions about marine wind generators, so we figured that it may be about time to put together something as a helpful resource for those in any stage of the installation...

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Benefits of Personal Wind Power: An On or Off Grid Solution

The Need for Energy Imagine you wake up on a cold Monday morning and you are finding it difficult to get up; you can barely feel your legs! You gather some strength and then you find a way to wobble into the bathroom. As you glance into the mirror it dawns on you the lights are off. You flip the light switch and nothing happens, so you repeatably flick it up and down, to no avail. Then on top of that the sink has no warm water, nothing in the fridge is chilled, and the microwave oven won’t turn on to warm up your Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich. A terrible start to your day, right? The need for energy in our day to...

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